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Structural Integrity Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Structural Integrity Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations

9th May 2025 - 09:00-16:00 BST


Date & Time

9th May 2025 - 09:00-16:00 BST

Available on Demand?

Until 16th May 2025






Given the harsh environment of offshore wind turbines, a major design and O&M challenge is the corrosion and fatigue of the structure. This webinar is designed to give attendees a more rounded appreciation of the unique considerations that should be given to the structural integrity assessment of offshore wind turbine foundations.

The course will be split up into 6 lectures, each with a 5min Q&A section at the end of each part. The agenda for the day will be:

1. Fatigue crack initiation and growth in offshore structures + tutorial (70 mins)
A brief introduction to S-N curves, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, Stress intensity factor

2. Fracture toughness testing and analysis of materials in offshore structures + tutorial (70 mins)
An introduction to Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics, JIC fracture toughness testing and analysis for life prediction of ductile material

3. Fracture mechanics based inspection + tutorial (60 mins)
Paris law, Fatigue crack length estimation and inspection using the Paris law

4.Defect assessment using failure assessment diagrams + tutorial (40 mins)
Life prediction of cracked components and structures using level I, II and III FADs

5. Corrosion-fatigue testing and analysis of offshore monopile weldments + case study (30 mins)
An introduction to corrosion-fatigue testing and analysis, Environmental Reduction Factor, Estimation of crack growth acceleration in free-corrosion environment, Demonstration of a case study: SLIC Joint Industry Project

6. Welding residual stresses in offshore wind monopiles + case study (30 mins)
Residual stress measurement using destructive and non-destructive techniques, residual stress effects on fatigue crack initiation and propagation, demonstration of a case study: residual stress measurements in monopile weldments using neutron diffraction and contour techniques


Prof. Ali Mehmanparast (PhD, MBA, CEng, CMgr) is a Professor of Structural Integrity at University of Strathclyde and the Manager of the Cranfield-Oxford-Strathclyde Universities Renewable Energy Marine Structures Centre for Doctoral Training (REMS CDT). Ali sits on the Engineering Integrity Society (EIS) Durability and Fatigue committee, the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI Council) and is a member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He is a Chartered Engineer of IMechE, fellow of The Higher Education Academy and fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. He has more than 100 peer reviewed journal and conference papers in the field of engineering structural integrity, and has organised and chaired technical sessions at international conferences. Ali was a member of the technical delivery team for the Structural Lifecycle Industry Collaboration (SLIC) Joint Industry Project, the PI of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory funded project on welding residual stress effects on fatigue life assessment of monopiles, the academic lead of the Carbon Trust funded project on offshore wind turbine foundation flange study and the PI of research projects funded by the Supergen Wind Hub and Supergen ORE Hub on floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind turbine foundations.


Ali Mehmanparast




There will be opportunity to interact with the lecturer throughout the session, both though allocated Q&A sessions, or leaving text based questions throughout the presentation which the lecturer will be able to answer at convenient opportunities.

Attendance certificates are available on request after the completion of the webinar.


The cost of registering for this webinar will be £320+VAT​.

If you would like to register and pay now, please click the button below "Register Now". If you would prefer an invoice (for VAT exemptions/ purchase order requirement etc...) please click the button "send me an invoice" and complete the registration form, and our admin team will be in touch.

Group rates are available on all our courses. If you would like to discuss what group discounts we have available you can reach us at



The presenter was clear in concepts and fully dominating the topic, practical questions were answered with I think were practical answers useful for the industry.

Generally the lecture was very good in terms of content and delivery. The lecturer seemed very knowledgeable.

Very good selection of theory and practive (lab results)

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