Creep Deformation and Crack Growth Analysis of High Temperature Components
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The engineering components operating at high temperatures are subjected to time-dependent damage mechanisms, particularly creep deformation and crack growth. Due to the significant costs involved in fabrication and inspection of high temperature components it is desirable to optimise their lifetimes while ensuring that the aged components can sustain the applied loads with suitable safety margins against failure. Therefore, there is an essential need to accurately predict the remaining life of these components by considering the material deformation and damage evolution behaviour.
This workshop is designed to give engineers a more rounded appreciation of the unique considerations that should be given to the structural integrity assessment of high temperature components particularly in the power plants and jet engines. Several areas will be covered leaving delegates with a more rounded appreciation of the creep deformation, creep crack initiation and creep crack growth issues relevant to the components operating at elevated temperatures. Throughout the course, practical considerations will be used to consolidate the knowledge gained by the attendees and gauge their understanding.
The topics that will be covered in this webinar are:
1. An introduction to time-dependent creep deformation
2. Characterisation of uniaxial creep properties for engineering materials
3. Elastic-Plastic-Creep fracture mechanics
4. Analysis of creep crack initiation and creep crack growth
5. Predictive models to assess the cracking behaviour of high temperature components
Prof. Kamran Nikbin has worked at Imperial College London since 1979 and holds the Royal Academy/British Energy research chair in "Structural Integrity" at the Mechanical Engineering Department. He has over 200 peer reviewed publications. His aim has been to direct the advanced metals group’s research activities to achieve an overall goal of developing predictive techniques of failure using fracture mechanics, continuum damage mechanics, micro to meso-scale multi-scale modelling techniques and validating the results with appropriate focussed experiments. He has vast experience in advanced structural alloys structural failure response under creep, fatigue and environmental corrosion and degradation. He has been involved with industry and research establishments on numerous multi-disciplinary projects dealing with different aspects of fracture ranging from cryogenic to very high temperatures. In particular, his main impetus has been in the field of high temperature creep/fatigue crack growth, by considering the experimental, metallurgical, micro-modelling and numerical predictions associated with it. His interdisciplinary approach to structural integrity has advanced the high temperature design and life assessment modelling methodologies available to R&D. Professor Nikbin’s findings have been integrated in numerous standards and life assessment codes. He is an executive member of ASTM committee E08 in the USA on crack growth, chairman of the international VAMAS (Versailles agreement on materials and standards), BSI committees and the European ESIS/HTMC-TC11, COST and Brite/Euram collaborative networks.
Prof. Ali Mehmanparast (PhD, MBA, CEng, CMgr) is a Professor of Structural Integrity at University of Strathclyde. He is a member of the management committee for the Strathclyde-Oxford-Edinburgh Centre for Doctoral Training (WAMSS CDT: 2019-2027) and was previously the Manager of the Cranfield-Oxford-Strathclyde Centre for Doctoral Training (REMS CDT: 2014-2022). Ali sits on the Engineering Integrity Society (EIS) Durability and Fatigue committee, the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI Council) and is a member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He is a Chartered Engineer of IMechE, fellow of The Higher Education Academy and fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. He has more than 120 peer reviewed journal and conference papers in the field of engineering structural integrity, and has organised and chaired technical sessions at international conferences. Ali has an extensive track record in structural integrity assessment of high temperature components by developing accelerated testing techniques and advanced numerical modelling approaches. He is the editor of the Elsevier book “Comprehensive Structural Integrity-Volume 5: Creep and High-temperature Failure”, 2nd Edition.

Kamran Nikbin

Ali Mehmanparast
The format of this event will be a webinar using "Zoom Webinars".
There will be opportunity to interact with the lecturer throughout the session, both though allocated Q&A sessions, or leaving text based questions throughout the presentation which the lecturer will be able to answer at convenient opportunities.
Attendance certificates are available on request after the completion of the webinar.
The cost of registering for this webinar will be £275+VAT.
If you would like to register and pay now, please click the button below "Register Now". If you would prefer an invoice (for VAT exemptions/ purchase order requirement etc...) please click the button "send me an invoice" and complete the registration form, and our admin team will be in touch.
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